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Will Concerns Over "Greenflation" Derail the Energy Transition?

No. The inflation attributed to green initiatives (known as “greenflation”) is part of the current inflation narrative, but we doubt concerns related to it will derail the global energy transition. Net zero pledges and related policy frameworks have been rolled out in nearly 200 countries, underpinning a transition already underway due to climate change and […]

February 2022

VantagePoint: Jumpstarting the Energy Transition

This year may prove to be pivotal in the transition from fossil fuels to renewables. Policy makers, businesses, and investors are accelerating commitments to bring greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to net zero by 2050. The aim is consistent with the 2015 Paris Agreement to “limit global warming to well below 2°C, preferably to 1.5°C, compared […]

February 2022

Inflationary Pressures Will Moderate Some in Second Half

Consumer price inflation is above pre-pandemic trend in the United States and Europe, while producer prices are surging seemingly everywhere. Consistent with consensus forecasts, we expect mounting inflation pressures to ease by second half 2022 as demand for goods abates and supply constraints moderate.

December 2021

Investing for Climate Justice: An Intersectional Approach

Climate change and social inequality are two material and systemic risks facing the global economy and investment portfolios over the coming decades. In this paper, we demonstrate the relationship between climate change and social justice, highlight how investors can implement an intersectional approach to climate justice in their portfolios, and outline three steps investors should consider to help ensure our transition to a low-carbon economy is inclusive and just.

October 2021

VantagePoint: China – Reassessing Risks and Opportunities

As the second largest economy in the world, China remains an important destination for global investor capital. Yet, the pace and scope of China’s regulatory crackdown are causing concern. In this edition of VantagePoint, we review the nature of regulatory developments and their impact on the investment opportunity set. We believe that dedicated, strategic allocations to Chinese assets are still warranted. Investors should carefully consider their sector exposure and evaluate managers’ capabilities in the current regulatory and geopolitical environment.

October 2021

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