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Sustainable and Impact Investing 2020: Insights and Perspectives

The 2020 biannual Sustainable and Impact Investing (SII) survey highlights the growth of the space over the last two years. Of the 202 survey respondents, 61% reported engaging in sustainable, ESG, and impact investing compared to 36% in 2018. Respondents use a variety of tools to implement SII in portfolios, the most popular are ESG integration and impact investing in social equity and resource efficiency & climate change.

February 2021

Playing Defense in a Low-Rate Environment

Investors have predominantly relied on developed markets sovereign bonds for defense in balanced portfolios, but low rates have diminished their diversification characteristics.

January 2021

VantagePoint: Modern Portfolio Diversification

Investors are facing a challenging period for earning what they spend and achieving adequate portfolio diversification. With most DM sovereign bond yields near or below zero, expected returns for bonds are at all-time lows and diversification qualities are constrained. In this edition of VantagePoint, we evaluate defense and diversification options to identify a modern approach to diversification in this low-yield era.

January 2021

Healthcare Systems: Recalibrating for 2021 and Beyond

Healthcare systems appear to have navigated the most severe financial impact of the pandemic. We believe the present time provides an opportunity to reset investment strategy and recalibrate portfolios as necessary.

January 2021

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