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Should Credit Investors Expect More Negative Headlines in the Months Ahead?

Yes. The combination of rising interest rates and a deteriorating earnings outlook is likely to generate ample negative headlines about credit in the months ahead. Rating agency downgrades will accelerate and defaults will rise. The flipside is that some of this is already in the price and many borrowers are prepared for these headwinds. Investors […]

November 2022

Look to Specialty Finance and Credit Opportunities Strategies for Diversification

Diversifying private credit strategies provide a good complement to portfolio mainstays. While we believe the economic outlook remains strong, it is not without risks. In direct lending, growing amounts of dry powder are pressuring deal structures and pricing. As a result, we anticipate that commitments to less-correlated private credit funds, such as those focused on life sciences, asset-based lending, and flexible credit strategies, will increase next year.

December 2021

Stress and Losses Among Middle-Market Senior and Unitranche Loans: Introducing Cambridge Associates' New Database

As part of our ongoing commitment to alternative credit, Cambridge Associates (CA) began compiling a database of credit stress and losses in one of the largest strategies within private credit, senior debt (i.e., direct lending). Our initial outreach in the United States and Europe yielded data from 11 senior debt funds tracking material document modifications (which we use as a proxy for credit stress, greater detail below) and loss rates in bilateral and clubbed middle-market lending.

July 2019

Private Credit Benchmarks: A User's Guide

In response to the proliferation of new private credit strategies and managers, Cambridge Associates has developed a set of benchmarks that will help limited partners assess the performance of new and existing fund manager (general partners).

January 2019

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