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Should Investors Consider Co-Investing?

Yes. At a minimum, investors should consciously consider it. The co-investment “craze” isn’t going away anytime soon—we estimate co-investing currently accounts for nearly one-third of all private investment activity—and there are structural reasons why it will continue, as we will discuss.

November 2018

Mission Critical: Maximizing the Impact of Healthcare System Investments

While robust cash flows have strengthened healthcare system balance sheets in recent years, mounting industry pressures will likely threaten those flows in the future. We explore strategies to manage complexity, maximize the benefits of the Endowment Model, and prudently manage risk.

November 2018

Protecting Pension Plans' Hard-Won Gains: Could Hedge Funds Play a Role?

In the November 2018 issue of Benefits Magazine, covering pension plan issues affecting multiemployer, single employer and public plan representatives, Investment Managing Director in Cambridge Associates’ Pension Practice, Joe Marenda, contributed an article discussing how hedge funds may play a role in protecting pension plans’ funded status in the event of a recession or stock […]

November 2018

Are US Quality Stocks Still Defensive?

Yes, if you control for tech overweights. Quality has historically been quite defensive relative to the broad market. Today, it is sensible to question quality’s defensive characteristics, as the factor is concentrated in tech stocks and has become quite expensive.

October 2018

VantagePoint: Fourth Quarter 2018

Because the US economy has entered the late stage of the economic cycle, investors should consider the prospect of a bear market recession, even though one does not seem imminent. We have been evaluating the appeal of different asset classes through a late-cycle lens. In this edition of VantagePoint, we evaluate several potentially defensive equity strategies to see whether they are attractive today.

October 2018

Latin American Private Equity Limited Partners Opinion Survey

Cambridge Associates partnered with The Association for Private Capital Investment in Latin America (LAVCA) to conduct an annual survey of global institutional investors about their views on Latin American markets. The survey report covers both domestic and international investors’ views of private equity opportunities and challenges in Latin America, based on responses from 100 Limited […]

October 2018

Should Investors Fear $100 Oil?

Although crude oil prices above $100 a barrel will pinch consumer pockets, investor anxiety on this topic is both premature and exaggerated.

October 2018

Alternative Risk Premia Funds: An Attractive Diversifier? (Sterling Edition)

Elevated equity market valuations and potentially rising bond yields suggest the return environment for traditional risk assets could be difficult. Faced with this challenge, institutional investors are seeking alternative sources of return. Alternative risk premia (ARP) strategies – which harvest well-established risk premia and market anomalies across asset classes – may fit the bill. ARP […]

October 2018

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