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Would Adoption of Policies Like the Rooney Rule by Asset Allocators Encourage Greater Diversity Among Investment Managers?

No. Adoption of policies like the Rooney Rule—a requirement to interview at least one woman or person of color candidate for leadership positions by many companies and institutions—has not substantially improved diversity among leadership ranks. Given this reality, we doubt such policies would encourage greater diversity among investment managers. These policies are not created to […]

March 2022

Will Concerns Over "Greenflation" Derail the Energy Transition?

No. The inflation attributed to green initiatives (known as “greenflation”) is part of the current inflation narrative, but we doubt concerns related to it will derail the global energy transition. Net zero pledges and related policy frameworks have been rolled out in nearly 200 countries, underpinning a transition already underway due to climate change and […]

February 2022

VantagePoint: Jumpstarting the Energy Transition

This year may prove to be pivotal in the transition from fossil fuels to renewables. Policy makers, businesses, and investors are accelerating commitments to bring greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to net zero by 2050. The aim is consistent with the 2015 Paris Agreement to “limit global warming to well below 2°C, preferably to 1.5°C, compared […]

February 2022

Case Study: Building custom portfolios to reflect each family member’s distinct impact investing goals

The Hahn family’s wealth, which originated in manufacturing four generations ago, is today overseen by Wilson, the current family patriarch, and supported by a family office staff of two investment professionals. The family members themselves have minimal investment experience. CLIENT BRIEF Client: Hahn family Source of wealth: Manufacturing (inherited wealth) Situation: Family members with distinct […]

December 2021

The Other E in ESG Accelerates: Engagement by Shareholders

In the midst of heightened awareness of systemic risks in climate change and social inequality, many investors concerned about long-term portfolio resilience have used their voice to seek change that benefits all investors and the broader system. We expect investors will adopt active engagement practices to a greater extent in 2022, assuming significant policy changes around climate and social issues do not materialize. 

December 2021

Investing for Climate Justice: An Intersectional Approach

Climate change and social inequality are two material and systemic risks facing the global economy and investment portfolios over the coming decades. In this paper, we demonstrate the relationship between climate change and social justice, highlight how investors can implement an intersectional approach to climate justice in their portfolios, and outline three steps investors should consider to help ensure our transition to a low-carbon economy is inclusive and just.

October 2021

ESG Challenges and Opportunities in Chinese Equities

Investor interest in China has grown over the years as China’s economy expanded and the market opened up to foreign capital. However, environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues remain a key concern for many investors.

September 2021

Investing for a Net-Zero World: A Guide for Investors

Investors are increasingly pursuing climate change–related agendas for both better investment outcomes and alignment with their stakeholders’ beliefs. This paper provides a high-level overview of the net-zero investing topic and considers practical implementation options for investors.

July 2021

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