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Credit Spreads Take Pensions for a Wild Ride

As the COVID-19 outbreak has escalated in the United States, sponsors of single employer–defined benefit pension plans have experienced a roller coaster ride. Avoiding, or at least cushioning, another wild ride requires a well-designed hedging strategy that accounts for credit spreads. We provide context for this rapidly evolving spread environment and potential responses.

April 2020

Liability Hedging in Response to Pandemic Crisis

April 8, 2020 - The economic impact from the COVID-19 virus has been swift, creating a dichotomy between “risk-free” Treasury interest rates and corporate spreads. In this paper, we outline how hedging programs may need to re-align their strategies given the current circumstances while continuing to lean on the basics.

April 2020

Friend or Foe: Hedge Funds Versus Alternative Risk Premia (Euro Edition)

Recent years have seen challenges for hedge funds and a shift toward low-fee passive and alternative risk premia (ARP) products in investor portfolios. In this paper, we investigate whether ARP and hedge funds are complementary or whether ARP funds are actually a viable replacement for hedge funds.

January 2020

Pension Schemes in Pursuit of Income, Growth, and Diversification

A universal approach to portfolio construction can help schemes achieve required return targets whilst adding additional upside from alpha generation; reduce risk through true diversification; and generate sufficient income to comfortably meet both planned and unplanned cashflow needs.

November 2019

Alternative Risk Premia: A Diversifying Option for Investors (Euro Edition)

Elevated equity market valuations and potentially rising bond yields suggest the return environment for traditional risk assets could be difficult. Faced with this challenge, institutional investors are seeking alternative sources of return. Alternative risk premia (ARP) strategies—which harvest well-established risk premia and market anomalies across asset classes—may fit the bill. ARP strategies have exhibited low […]

September 2019

Revving UK Pension Schemes’ Funding Engines

A number of UK defined benefit pension schemes have experienced significant funding level gains in recent years, driven by sponsor contributions, liability management exercises, and strong equity market returns. However, due to increased volatility in global equity markets, relatively high valuations in many market segments, and the late stages of the economic and credit cycles, optimising the scheme’s growth engine is more challenging than ever. This paper provides a framework for how to achieve that goal.

August 2019

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