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Equitable Growth and Opportunity

Diverse Manager Investing

Our Diversity Investing team focuses its efforts on identifying women- and minority-led managers who have the highest potential to outperform.

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  • 60%
    of clients with at least one diverse investment in their portfolio*
  • 580+
    meetings with diverse managers in 2023*
  • 2,250+
    diverse manager products tracked in our database*

Our Approach

Our team is embedded in our global research platform

We are committed to increasing our coverage of “diverse managers,” where diverse means both women- and/or minority-controlled, owned, or directed managers*.

The team works to expand our networks to source more diverse manager ideas, focused on increasing the number of women- and minority-owned managers that we follow and recommend. We focus on getting the right managers within our investment pipeline and applying an equitable underwriting process that is meant to identify strongest investors that are suitable for capital.

*As of December 31, 2023. Cambridge Associates defines diverse firm ownership/leadership as minimum 33%.

Read the Client Story: Weingart Foundation

Diversity should be viewed as an asset. What you’re investing in is a manager’s ability to source different deals and access different networks, which can be a key to creating alpha.

Jasmine N. Richards, CFA

Head of Diverse Manager Research

Helping Diverse Managers Succeed

We share our experience to help newer managers develop best practices

We recognize that global change requires that managers have equitable opportunity with all investors, not just with our clients. Ensuring that capital is allocated in an equitable and inclusive manner means helping managers that are owned and/or led by women and/or people of color get the opportunities they also deserve outside of Cambridge Associates.

We use our experience conducting ~4,500 manager meetings per year* to give newer managers perspectives on industry best practices and provide coaching to improve their offerings, whether we invest with them or not. We also aim to proactively increase diverse managers’ exposure to the broader investment community by including these managers in client investment committee meetings and at our own sponsored conferences.

*As of December 31, 2023.

In Collaboration with BCG

In Private Investment, Diverse Fund Management Teams Have Opened Doors

According to new research from BCG and Cambridge Associates, private equity and venture capital firms whose ownership is predominantly women or people of color may unlock access to differentiated deal flow (i.e., an increase in the variety of investments in a portfolio) for their limited partners (LPs) and other investors. Learn additional key findings in our latest report.

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