Gain Flexibility and Control in Private Investment Portfolios
Co-investments & Secondaries
Co-investments and secondaries can help enhance returns, enable opportunistic investment exposures, and put your money to work faster when building a private investments portfolio. But both strategies require significant resources and expertise in order to evaluate and act on opportunities.
Why Cambridge Associates?
Investing in specialized areas requires specialized abilities
Our dedicated co-investments and secondaries teams have first-hand experience in executing these types of transactions. With 50+ years of private investment experience, we can help navigate the complex challenges many investors face when pursuing these strategies.
To help maximize your success, each strategy is carefully executed and crafted using our deep experience, extensive manager network, and global market knowledge.
*As of December 31, 2023.
Our Approach to Co-investing
Co-investing calls for a strategic approach
Co-investments play an increasingly important role in private investing. They enable investors to make opportunistic investments that can amplify return potential, reduce cost of access, and add exposure in targeted investment areas. But co-investing is a complex area that should be approached thoughtfully and with the appropriate resources. Accessing a robust deal flow pipeline from high-conviction managers, prioritizing opportunities effectively, and executing on them efficiently all are key to success.
Our highly experienced co-investments team has worked together for nearly a decade. Their experience, combined with our long-standing GP relationships and long-term focused client base, helps us to access high quality co-investments deal flow.
Our Approach to Secondaries
Secondaries investing calls for deep experience and implementation skill
When executed strategically, secondaries can serve as a valuable complement to primary fund commitments in a private investment portfolio, enabling earlier liquidity than many other private investment strategies. They also offer the potential for compelling returns with lower risk, lower fees, and more flexibility in portfolio construction.
However, deal flow can be unpredictable. We believe our execution skills, relationships, and knowledge base allow us to effectively gain access to high-potential secondary opportunities, and act on them efficiently—a necessity for these quick-turnaround investments.
Watch Our Videos on Co-investing
Unlocking the potential of co-investments
Co-investments allow investors to make opportunistic investments that can enhance and complement their total portfolio.
In this short video series, we explore the ways co-investing can benefit investors. We discuss the opportunity set, the role of co-investments in a portfolio, guidelines for implementation, and what we believe are keys to success.
As GPs seek to deepen relationships with attractive LPs and generate added growth for their direct funds, we expect the opportunities–and benefits–of co-investing to only grow. We remain committed to helping our clients make the most of this valuable and dynamic part of the private investment landscape.
Head of Global Co-investments
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